
Do you or someone you know have any of the following?

  • Numbness and tingling in legs, feet or hands
  • Difficulty using your hands or balancing when walking
  • Constant burning pain
  • Skin that is extremely sensitive to touch

Peripheral neuropathy (PN) is damage or disease affecting nerves, which may impair sensation, movement, gland or organ function, or other aspects of health, depending on the type of nerve affected. Common causes include systemic diseases (such as diabetes or leprosy), vitamin deficiency, medication (e.g., chemotherapy), traumatic injury, excessive alcohol consumption, immune system disease, or infection, or it may be inherited (present from birth).

The conventional medical definition is; neuro-, “nervous system” and -pathy, “disease of”. “Disease of the Nervous System.” At Scranton Clinic of Chiropractic we use non-invasive treatments with no side effects and no medications. Our treatment has worked for many patients that have failed other treatments and medications. It works for those with severe and minor forms of neuropathy and each patient that is accepted into the program has a customized treatment program prescribed for them.

You do not need to suffer with this condition, manage this condition or continue to take medications that cover up the true cause of your pain and discomfort. As others before you have found true relief, you too can find hope with this new treatment program. Rest assured that we will treat you with respect and explain the program every step of the way.

Call today to schedule your complimentary consultation and find out if you qualify for this non-invasive, safe treatment program.